
Since the date of company foundation and till present day the core of our values is a HUMAN BEING. This refers to our clients, partners, drivers, employees and hired specialists, customs workers, maintenance staff and everyone, whom we deal with in our work.

No matter who we currently interact with in our work - company director or delivery courier, we settle all the matters equally polite, with a smile on the face.

Though company strategy and tactics may change due to external factors, but our values always remain immutable. Moreover, they are infinite, since there is always something to strive for.

That is why we want to emphasize that ACTIVE RISE it is about:

  • Honesty
  • Transparency
  • Quality
  • Reliability
  • Uniqueness
  • Flexibility
  • Competitiveness
  • Identity
  • Innovativeness
  • Humanism

Logistics is not only the main direction of our activity, for us it is also an opportunity of self realization in our beloved sphere. Doing our job, we obey principles of honesty and transparency, while your trust is our main reward. We aim at making logistics market clear and safe for every customer. There are no disadvantageous clients or cargoes for us, since we understand that every new challenge is a room for improvement, opportunity to become the best.

Every new client is a new story, new knowledge, new opportunities. Top level service, efficient and comfortable collaboration, most modern business solutions, all this is cooperation with ACTIVE RISE.

ACTIVE RISE company is a member of DCCI, that speaks of our clear operation principles and reliability.


ACTIVE RISE company provides road transportation of cargoes of any degree of complexity

Road transportation

ACTIVE RISE company provides road transportation of cargoes of any degree of complexity

Oversized transportation

Specialized service to transport oversized and heavy or non-standard cargoes

Air transportation

Air transportation allows to deliver the goods to any location of the planet in less than 24 hours

Multimodal transportation

We take care of all the organizational arrangements

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