
Our mission is to provide our clients with the top level logistics processes package. We estimate this level by client’s involvement - if the client is 100% involved in his business processes, so we handled it wright!

To comply with our own requirements we constantly work on company development. Development for us means life, since anything that does not grow, fades away.

We are always in search of new customers and partners, we extend our transportations geography and implement new services.

ACTIVE RISE company is a member of DCCI, that speaks of our clear operation principles and reliability.


ACTIVE RISE company provides road transportation of cargoes of any degree of complexity

Road transportation

ACTIVE RISE company provides road transportation of cargoes of any degree of complexity

Oversized transportation

Specialized service to transport oversized and heavy or non-standard cargoes

Air transportation

Air transportation allows to deliver the goods to any location of the planet in less than 24 hours

Multimodal transportation

We take care of all the organizational arrangements

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